Generate DNS MX Record Report using PowerShell

When you manage an email system, you’re sure to deal with MX records, and sometimes it is good to be able to generate a report of all the DNS MX Records for your domains to monitor their validity or availability. Being caught by surprise as your MX records go missing resulting in incoming mail delivery failures is never good.
This script can query a list of domains for their MX records, and generate a report which can be also sent as an email. Depending on your purpose, you can just run it manually or setup a task to run the script at an interval or daily schedule.


This script requires PowerShell version 5.1

How to Install

From GitHub Repository

You can download the latest version of the script from this link, and just save it in you preferred folder.

From PS Gallery

This script can be installed from PSGallery by running this command:
Install-Script Get-MXReport –Scope AllUsers
Once completed, the script will be installed in “C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts” by default, and is added to the PATH.

How to Use

[-domains] <string[]>
[-outputDirectory] <string>
[[-nameServer] <string>]
[[-logDirectory] <string>]
[[-headerPrefix] <string>]
[[-sendEmail] <string>]
[[-sender] <string>]
[[-recipients] <string[]>]
[[-smtpServer] <string>]
[[-smtpPort] <string>]
[[-smtpCredential] <pscredential>]



Get-MXReport.ps1 –domains “”,”” –outputDirectory C:\Scripts\output
This example queries the MX record for the specified domains and save the HTML and CSV report to the specified folder


$domainsList = “”,””,””
Get-MXReport.ps1 –domains $domainsList –outputDirectory C:\Scripts\outputsendEmail OnError –sender –recipients, –smtpServer –smtpPort 25 –AttachCSVReport
This example queries the MX records, save the reports to the specified folder and if a failed lookup is logged, it will send the email report to the specified recipient using a non-authenticated SMTP relay and the CSV report is attached to the email.


$domainsList = “”,””,””
$smtpCredential = (Get-Credential)
Get-MXReport.ps1 –domains $domainsList –outputDirectory C:\Scripts\outputsendEmail OnError –sender –recipients, –smtpServer –smtpPort 587 –smtpSSL –AttachCSVReport –smtpServerRequiresAuthentication –smtpCredential $smtpCredential
This example queries the MX records, save the reports to the specified folder and if a failed lookup is logged, it will send the email report to the specified recipient using an authenticated SMTP relay via Office 365, port 587 with SSL.

Required Parameters

  • Type: String (multiple, array)
  • Description: List of mail domains to query.
  • Example: “”,””
  • Type: String (directory path)
  • Description: Path to where the reports will be saved.
  • Example: C:\scripts\report

Optional Parameters

  • Type: String
  • Description: Name or IP of the custom DNS Server to use for lookup. If not specified, script will use the local DNS Server IP of the machine.
  • Example: “”
  • Type: String
  • Description: Path to where the session transcript log should be saved. Logging will only work if this is specified.
  • Example: C:\scripts\log
  • Type: String
  • Description: String that will appear in front of the report title or email subject. Can be any string value.
  • Example: MyCompanyName
  • Type: String
  • Valid values:
    • Always – Send email report everytime.
    • OnError – Send email report only when there’s a failed lookup result.
  • Description: If specified, the script will trigger sending of the report through email.
  • Example: –sendEmail Always, –sendEmail OnError
  • Type: String
  • Description: The email address that will appear as the sender of the email
  • Example:
  • Type: String
  • Description: The IP address, Hostname, or Fully-Qualified Domain Name of the SMTP Relay Server. This parameter is required if -sendEmail is used.
  • Example:
  • Type: Integer
  • Description: The SMTP Port Number to be used along with the –smtpServer. This parameter is required if -sendEmail is used.
  • Example: 25
  • Type: Switch
  • Description: Use if the SMTP server requires authentication to be able to relay messages. There is no need to specify any value for this parameter.
  • Type: PSCredential
  • Description: The login credential for the SMTP server authentication. This parameter is required if -smtpServerRequiresAuthenticationis used.
  • Example: $smtpCredential = Get-Credential
  • Type: Switch
  • Description: Use this switch if the SMTP Relay connection requires SSL.

Sample Output

HTML Email Summary Report

CSV Report


Checking Website Up Status using PowerShell


This script can be used to query a list of sites and produce an HTML report of their status. I created this script in order to get a report of SharePoint sites that my team manage without having to check the site one by one to see if they are up or not.


How to use

Modify the configuration file

  • enableDebug (1 = ON, blank = OFF)
    • Enable or disable the transcript logging
  • sendEmail (1 = ON, blank = OFF)
    • Enable of disable sending of the report via email
  • alertsOnly (1 = ON, blank = OFF)
    • Indicates whether the report will only be sent if there are errors
  • mailFrom
    • mail sender address
  • mailTo
    • mail recipient addresses. multiple addresses can be separated by comma
  • mailServerName
    • IP address, hostname or FQDN of the smtp relay server
  • mailServerPort
    • SMTP server port to use. Normally this does not need changing, unless your SMTP server is listening on a different port.
  • sitesListFile
    • this indicates the location of the text file containing the list of sites to query

Run the script

Syntax: .\Get-WebUpStatus.ps1 -configFile


The HTML file report will be created inside the same folder where the script is located

And if the sendEmail parameter is turned on, the same HTML content will be sent via email

Use as Scheduled Task

If you plan to use the script with Task Scheduler, here's a sample reference.

-command C:\Get-WebUpStatus\Get-WebUpStatus.ps1 -configFile C:\Get-WebUpStatus\config.xml

End of Post

Please report issues in the Github repository.

Monitor Azure AD LastDirSyncTime Using PowerShell

Office365Logo_256x254pxKnowing if your Directory Sync is up to date (or not) is crucial. Yes, you can glue your eyes to the Office 365 Portal or use commercial 3rd party monitoring tools to be alerted when your Directory Sync hasn’t updated for a certain period, or you can achieve the same goal using PowerShell. Microsoft was kind enough to include a LastDirSyncTime value when you run the Get-MsolCompanyInformation cmdlet. This way it can be programmatically checked and monitored by scheduling a script to run via task at an interval.

This script queries the LastDirSyncTime value, gets the current time, calculates the elapsed time, compares the difference against a set threshold and send an email alert if the threshold is breached.

Download Link

  • 1.0 - April 19, 2018
    • Initial Release
  • 1.1 – August 20, 2018
    • Changed Time Stamp from UTC to Local Time, including the Time Zone ID
    • Required PowerShell v5.1


  • PowerShell v5.1 (as of script v1.1)
  • MSOnline Module

Having the MSOnline Module installed is required for this to work. If you have PowerShell 5, it is easy to install. Just run Install-Package MSOnline and it should get you started. However for lower PS versions it may take a bit more to get MSOnline Module installed.

You can read up on MSOnline in detail from by following this link: Azure ActiveDirectory (MSOnline)

How To Use

Export Login Credentials to XML

The Username and Password are not saved inside the script, but rather it will import the login information from an encrypted XML file that you need to create beforehand.

Run this line in PowerShell, and it should save the credentials in an XML file.

Get-Credential | Export-CliXml ExOnlineStoredCredential.xml

Below is the sample content of the exported credentials.


Some variables that need to be modified depending on your requirement. The below example assumes that you are also using Exchange Online as relay. If you prefer to use a different SMTP relay, you will need to manually modify the script to conform with that.

In this example, only the following variables need to be modified.

$dirSyncElapsedTimeThreshold: The threshold in hours. If this is breached, the email alert will be sent.

$toAddress : The email addresses (separate with comma if more than one) of the intended recipients of the email alert.

$mailSubject: Your choice of message subject when the alert is sent.


Once it’s all set up, just run the script from PowerShell. In the example below I set the threshold to ZERO (0) hours to trigger the alert. You should set a more realistic threshold in your production, obviously.

Then the email alert similar to this should be received.


Recursive Mailbox Full Permission Report Using PowerShell

exchangeMailbox Permissions may include Users and Groups, and sometimes even nested groups. And if you were tasked to get a report listing all those permissions, it would be a very tedious process to manually look up each entry. This script can help generate the needed report based on a file with a list of mailboxes are input file, all mailboxes, or just a single mailbox.

The Script



Depending on what your requirements are, you can change the value of the variable $mailboxList. The descriptions are already stated after each option.

Input File for Option 1

Should you choose OPTION 1, which is to use an input file named mailboxlist.txt, the file must first exist and contain the list of the acceptable identity values like SamAccountName, PrimarySMTPAddress, Alias or UserPrincipalName to name a new.

The example below shows the file containing the PrimarySMTPAddress values.

Running the Script and the Outputs

Running the script requires no parameters. All you need to do is run it in your normal PowerShell session (not EMS or Remote Shell).

On Screen

The screen output shows which mailboxes are currently being processed. Each permission will be listed below the current mailbox, and the mailbox with no permissions found will be skipped.

Debug Log

The Debug Log is just a transcript of what was displayed on the screen. The filename format is DD-MMM-YYYY_HH-MM-TT_debuglog.txt and is saved in the same folder as the script itself.

CSV Report

A report in CSV format is exported and saved in the same folder as the script itself. It will always be named “report.csv” and will be overwritten each time the script is executed successfully.

CSV Report Fields

  • MailboxName
    • Name of the mailbox
  • MailboxEmailAddress
    • Email address of the mailbox
  • WhoHasAccessName
    • Name of the user who has access to the mailbox
  • WhoHasAccessEmailAddress
    • Email address of the user who has access to the mailbox
  • AccessType
    • DirectUser – means that the user has direct access permission applied to the mailbox
    • InheritedFromGroup – means that the user has permission because the user is a member of a group that has access to the mailbox
  • ParentGroupName
    • Name of the group that has access to the mailbox
  • ParentGroupEmailAddress
    • Email Address of the group that has access to the mailbox

Download Link


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