Enable Mailbox Auditing in Office 365 using PowerShell Script

One of the things that don’t happen automatically when provisioning an Office 365 Mailbox is getting the Mailbox Audit Enabled. This script can be run manually or by schedule to enable auditing on mailboxes.

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  • The Office 365 account to be used to run the script must be assigned an Exchange Administrator role in order to read and set mailbox audit settings.
  • Must have a mailbox to be able to send the email report using Office 365 SMTP Relay

Office 365 Credentials

This script uses an encrypted credential (XML). To store the credential:

  • Login to the Server/Computer using the account that will be used to run the script/task
  • Run this "Get-Credential | Export-CliXml Office365StoredCredential.xml"
  • Make sure that Office365StoredCredential.xml is in the same folder as the script.

Modify Variables

  • $sendEmail – set to $true or $false depending on whether you’d like the report to be send to email
  • $sender – This is the Sender Email Address – make sure this is the email address or the Office 365 Credential you are using for the script.
  • $recipients – These are the recipient addresses. To add multiple recipients, separate with comma.
  • $subject – This will show as the subject of the email report.

Run the script

The script requires no parameters.

Sample Report




Monitoring Event IDs using PowerShell

I know that there are 3rd party commercial solutions that can monitor your servers for events IDs. But most of the time these solutions comes with features that you don’t really need and can cost some serious cash. Or maybe your company already have one in place but doesn’t always work as expected, and you could use a custom monitoring script as backup.

This script is for monitoring a list of events ids from local or remote computers. Can be configured to send the report by email or just write to an HTML output.

Download Link


How to Use

Modify the CONFIG.XML file to confirm with your requirements

Modify the “application.txt” to contain the event IDs you need to monitor.

Then you can run the script, no parameters required because it reads the configuration from the XML file.

Sample Reports

HTML file



This work is based on the script from this link.


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