One would think that there is a function in Domino Admin client to export a list of database with their corresponding size information. Well, as simple as the concept might be, there is no built in tool to do just that. If the mailbox quota/size statistics is crucial for your organization for capacity planning or just for record purposes, you can always leverage the LotusScript to export these information.
Note that in this example, it is expected that you are already familiar with using Lotus Notes Designer and LotusScript.
Create the Appplication
1. Create a blank application and place it in your "data" folder.
2. Create a Form and add a Button.
3. Add your code to the Button's click event.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oQuota As Integer
Dim oWarning As Integer
Dim oTotal As Integer
Dim oTotalSize As Double
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim f As Integer
f = Freefile
Open "c:\DBlist.txt" For Output As #f
Dim dbdir As New NotesDbDirectory("RSBDOM01/RSBPH")
Set db = dbdir.GetFirstDatabase(DATABASE)
Print #f, "Title" & Chr$(9) & "FileName" & Chr$(9) & "Size" & Chr$(9) & "Quota" & Chr$(9) & "Warning"
While Not(db Is Nothing)
If Instr(1,db.FilePath,"mail\",5)>0 Then
Print "Getting Info: " & db.Title
Print #f, db.Title & Chr$(9) & db.FileName & Chr$(9) & db.Size & Chr$(9) & db.SizeQuota & Chr$(9) & db.SizeWarning
If db.size/1024 > db.SizeQuota Then
Elseif db.Size/1024 > db.SizeWarning Then
End If
End If
Set db = dbdir.GetNextDatabase
Print "Export Complete"
Messagebox("Overquota: " & oQuota & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Warning: " & oWarning & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Normal: " & oTotal-oQuota-oWarning & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Total Mail Files: " & oTotal & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Total Size: " & Format(oTotalSize/1024,"Standard") & " KB")
Close #f
End Sub
4. Create a Frameset and add the Form to one of the Frames.
5. Set the Frameset to show once the Database is opened.
6. Save the Application and name it whatever you want.
It shows the summary in a Message Box:
And it saves a text file of the raw data in tabular form which you can use for data manipulation in Excel
Just a simple demonstration of reading database properties using LotusScript
Note that in this example, it is expected that you are already familiar with using Lotus Notes Designer and LotusScript.
Create the Appplication
1. Create a blank application and place it in your "data" folder.
2. Create a Form and add a Button.
3. Add your code to the Button's click event.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oQuota As Integer
Dim oWarning As Integer
Dim oTotal As Integer
Dim oTotalSize As Double
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim f As Integer
f = Freefile
Open "c:\DBlist.txt" For Output As #f
Dim dbdir As New NotesDbDirectory("RSBDOM01/RSBPH")
Set db = dbdir.GetFirstDatabase(DATABASE)
Print #f, "Title" & Chr$(9) & "FileName" & Chr$(9) & "Size" & Chr$(9) & "Quota" & Chr$(9) & "Warning"
While Not(db Is Nothing)
If Instr(1,db.FilePath,"mail\",5)>0 Then
Print "Getting Info: " & db.Title
Print #f, db.Title & Chr$(9) & db.FileName & Chr$(9) & db.Size & Chr$(9) & db.SizeQuota & Chr$(9) & db.SizeWarning
If db.size/1024 > db.SizeQuota Then
Elseif db.Size/1024 > db.SizeWarning Then
End If
End If
Set db = dbdir.GetNextDatabase
Print "Export Complete"
Messagebox("Overquota: " & oQuota & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Warning: " & oWarning & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Normal: " & oTotal-oQuota-oWarning & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Total Mail Files: " & oTotal & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) & "Total Size: " & Format(oTotalSize/1024,"Standard") & " KB")
Close #f
End Sub
4. Create a Frameset and add the Form to one of the Frames.
5. Set the Frameset to show once the Database is opened.
6. Save the Application and name it whatever you want.
It shows the summary in a Message Box:
And it saves a text file of the raw data in tabular form which you can use for data manipulation in Excel
Just a simple demonstration of reading database properties using LotusScript